
个人服务 & 世界各地的竞技宝app下载

If you are adventurous with a deep personal drive to act and seek to be immersed in countries and cultures outside of your own, our 和平队预备 program will help you gain the intercultural skills you need for a life-changing service experience. 

和平队预备 is an academic-partnered certificate program that helps you build the skills you need to have a positive impact as a volunteer. It helps you become a stronger candidate for positions within the 和平队 or other service programs, 与此同时, 你获得了雇主看重的技能和文化世界观. It's a competitive edge that sets you apart and broadens your opportunities, 无论你选择哪条路. 

向下滚动到学生指南部分了解更多信息. Get additional information about your 和平队 service opportunities by clicking here. And contact your SAU faculty advisor or an admissions representative to learn how 和平队预备 fits within your undergraduate studies.

了解更多关于和平队的信息 和平队服务机会








任何专业都可以利用和平队预备班. Scroll down to the 学生导游 section of this page for more details.



和平队志愿者在60多个国家服务, 做基层工作,改善被服务对象的生活, 以及他们自己的.


每一天, 和平队 Volunteers – and all of us who support them – wake up and spend the day working hard to make the world a better place. 和平. 这是我们是谁的第一个词.




At. St. 竞技宝app下载安装, 你的学习经验集中在服务和社会正义上, two values that are deeply woven into our mission and vision as a university. These values reflect the origin and continued ethos of the United States 和平队, 这就是为什么这个项目非常适合许多人.

和平队预备 gives you a structured path to hone your professional skills, 跨文化能力, 外语能力. This dovetails with our focus on service learning and social justice as well as the many opportunities you get to grow and develop a life of service.

作为一所大学, we believe there is great value in partnering with the 和平队 to recognize a student's skills in service, 多样性/包容, 以及跨文化能力. Completing this certificate program can help if you decide to submit a volunteer application, 但更重要的是, 它为你的服务生涯做准备, to live in a manner that shows your dedication to others and the world.


To earn the certificate – awarded by the 和平队 – you take courses to hone your intercultural competency, 提高你的外语技能, 培养你的专业和领导能力.

You'll also complete certain courses (see the 学生导游 below) and 50 hours of service or work that's related to one of six sectors the 和平队 identifies as priorities:

  • 教育: 传授终身受用的经验. 教育是和平队最大的项目领域. 志愿者在建立学校之间的联系方面发挥着重要作用, 父母, 和竞技宝app下载通过在小学工作, 二次, 以及高等学校的数学, 科学, 英语会话, and resource teachers or as early grade reading and literacy teacher trainers. 志愿者还开发图书馆和技术资源中心
  • 健康: 服务于全球卫生的第一线. Health Volunteers work within their communities to promote important topics such as nutrition, 妇幼保健, 基本的卫生, 水卫生. Volunteers also work in HIV/AIDS education and prevention programs to train youth as peer educators, 制定适当的教育策略, 向因大流行病而成为孤儿的儿童提供支助, and create programs that provide emotional and financial support to families and communities affected by the disease.
  • 环境: 帮助发起一场全球运动来保护我们的地球. Volunteers lead grassroots efforts in their communities to protect the environment and strengthen understanding of environmental issues. They teach 环保意识 in elementary and 二次 schools and to youth groups and community organizations, empowering communities to make their own decisions about how to protect and conserve the local environment. Volunteers also address environmental degradation by promoting sustainable use of natural resources.
  • 农业: 在不断变化的世界中,领导基层抗击饥饿的努力. Agricultural Volunteers work with small-scale farmers and families to increase food security and production and adapt to climate change while promoting environmental conservation practices. 他们向农民介绍防止土壤侵蚀的技术, 减少有害农药的使用, 补充土壤. They work alongside farmers on integrated projects that often combine vegetable gardening, 牲畜管理, 农林复合经营, 营养教育
  • 青年发展: 赋予下一代变革者力量. Volunteers work with youth in communities on projects that promote engagement and active citizenship, 包括性别意识, 就业能力, 保健和艾滋病毒/艾滋病教育, 环保意识, 体育项目, 信息技术.
  • 竞技宝app下载经济发展利用21st帮助竞技宝app下载提升自我的世纪工具. 志愿者在开发银行工作, 非政府组织, and municipalities to strengthen infrastructure and encourage economic opportunities in communities. They frequently teach in classroom settings and work with entrepreneurs and business owners to develop and market their products. Some Volunteers also teach basic computer skills and help communities take advantage of technologies such as e-commerce, 远程学习, 和更多的

SAU already offers a large number of service activities and courses within our academic programs that meet the 和平队预备 requirements, 所以很多情况下, 你可以获得证书 没有 增加额外课程. And the program is open to all undergraduates, no matter your major or field of study.

学生指南提供了一个概述,以帮助规划, 其中包括你可以在SAU学习的经批准的和平队预备课程. 一定要联系你的指导老师. They will help you map your courses and explain your options for meeting the program requirements. 

和平队预备学生指南 (pdf)

联系人 & 指导

Serving others and making the world a better place are values held by our students, and 我们的教职员工.

Do you want to learn more about the rewards, challenges, and adventure of 和平队 service? How can the certificate program help you become a stronger candidate and professional? 服务如何帮助你定义你的未来目标? 

The following Ambrosian faculty and staff members are Returned 和平队 Volunteers (RPCV) and serve on our 和平队预备 advisory committee. They are available to answer your questions and tell you about their life-changing 和平队 experiences. 

Melissa Sharer博士


Argrow Kitnequa“Kit”Evans-Ford, DMin
RPCV圣. 克里斯托弗和尼维斯



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您可以完成 纸上申请 (pdf)或 在线.

If completing the 纸上申请, you'll also need to download the 出口清单 (pdf),并连同申请一并递交.


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