Founded in 1882

St. 竞技宝app下载安装最初是一所男子神学院和商学院.

History of St. Ambrose University

St. Ambrose University has come a long way since it began as a seminary and school of commerce for young men in 1882.

Over more than a century, countless students destined to influence the world have walked our halls. Long-time traditions took root and live on today. The campus grew, and with it the services to ensure our students, 教职员工拥有最好的学习环境, live and work.

Here's your chance to brush up on Ambrose's history, and for an all-inclusive look, please find Fr. George McDaniel's book on the subject in the SAU Library, "A Great and Lasting Beginning."

1882-1932: A Great and Lasting Beginning

St. Ambrose Seminary/Academy officially opens at St. 玛格丽特学校,现在被称为圣心学校,有33名12 - 23岁的男学生. Their tuition? A staggering $3 a month.


Play ball! 一天晚上,一位教授带着一根新棒球棒吃完饭回来, marking the beginning of athletics on campus. Although numerous windows were broken, 这种兴奋刺激了两个校内团队的形成, the "Collegians" and the "Metropolitans."

竞技宝app下载安装搬到了斯科特街和蝗虫街附近占地10英亩的橡树林. Bishop Cosgrove's first preference for the school was the land around 8th and Ripley Streets.

Judge M.B. 甘农是第一次有录音的毕业典礼上的演讲者. Think the ceremony lasts a long time now? This one goes "well into the evening."


Founding faculty member Joseph Halligan leaves Ambrose to found the Davenport Daily Leader newspaper, which runs until June 1903. The publication covers everything from armed mail robberies to theories on Jack the Ripper.

The Ambrose statue arrives on campus from Europe. 多年来,这座雕像将被涂成绿色. Patrick's Day and losing a hand in 1936. 官方记录将损失归咎于一场严重的风暴. Rumor has it a student returning from a party climbed the statue to bid it goodnight.

The Rev. Ulrich Hauber, destined to become a nationally recognized biologist, enrolls at Ambrose as physics, geology, botany and astronomy are added to the curriculum. 除了发展医学预科课程和出版大量期刊之外, Hauber will become the fifth president in 1926.

竞技宝app下载安装大厅弗拉纳根校长的公寓发生火灾. 为了保护这栋建筑,学生们把他燃烧的沙发扔出了窗外. The first record on campus of a bat, Ambrose's unofficial mascot, is detailed in a student's journal. The annoyance is removed with a violin bow and hat. Today, these mammals tend to be found in Davis Hall.

The college's first recorded basketball game takes place in the gymnasium against the Augustana Vikings. There's no score recorded for that match-up, 但在接下来的几年里,维京人经常痛击蜜蜂队. Sweet revenge? In 1947, the last football brawl between the two will end in a 26-6 win for the good guys.

Perseverance and prowess are honored as the first varsity letters are awarded in baseball, football and basketball.

Can you hear me now? 第一个电子媒体以无线电台的形式进入校园. The original range is a meager five miles, but after working on the station for a month, the students pick up signals as far away as Virginia.

一场流感疫情让学校停课六周,健康的学生被送回家. Correspondence classes are created for day students.

Calling all Bees! The first endowment campaign begins. The goal? To build Davis Hall. A total of $468,000 is pledged from local parishes and the city, 但是,农业萧条意味着只有一半的款项得到支付.

Monsignor U.A. 豪伯把第一辆汽车带进了校园,尽管他不会开车. His experimental voyage to Muscatine for watermelons nearly ends in an accident when none other than a bee flies up his pant leg.
戴维斯楼破土动工,这是校园里的第一座宿舍. 这座建筑分为两部分,一半建于1922年,一半建于1926年.

返校节传统开始,400多名校友出席. In addition to a parade, 大一新生在年初开始收集柴火,准备大篝火. In later years, guards are posted around the clock to keep rivals from stealing the wood or burning it.

North Central Association of Colleges accredits Ambrose.

竞技宝app下载安装的教职员工增加到15名牧师和3名非专业教师. Clergy members are required to document the specifics of their absences with the switchboard, including what time they leave, where they go and what they're doing.

1933-1983: Coming of Age

伊迪丝·凯恩修女是第一个被允许住在校园里的女学生. To prevent a commute from Ottumwa, Iowa, she is permitted to stay with the college domestic staff.

雄伟的密西西比河水闸完工, making it the largest roller dam in the United States.

The first alumni club is formed. No surprise here-the club is based out of Chicago. But do they support the Cubs or the White Sox?

Bishop Rohlman begins the process of acquiring the property for the women's division at Marycrest College. 这块价值5万美元的土地最终被捐赠给了1939年开学的学院.

With the country in the throes of the Depression, Ambrose begins the fund drive for a new chapel. Miraculously, the $400,000 goal is met within a month, although construction doesn't begin until 1952.

G.I. 'Brose. 该学院被选为美国空军的V-12军校学员培训项目的东道主.S. Navy during World War II. Loras College is also considered, but Ambrose wins out because of LeClaire Hall's swimming pool.

The creation of the G.I. Bill attracts more students, and old military barracks are brought to campus for student housing. The barracks remain until 1960, when they are razed to make room for the Galvin Fine Arts Center. 共有24名竞技宝app下载安装人在战争中献出了生命. The NAACP chapter at Ambrose is formed, becoming the first NAACP chapter on a Catholic campus. Continuing Ambrose's social justice tradition, students protest for civil rights and labor issues.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Mercy...A partnership with the Mercy Hospital Nursing Program means women can earn a BS in Nursing from Ambrose. The female students live at the hospital.


With the opening of Assumption High School, St. 竞技宝app下载安装学院(Ambrose Academy),一所长期与学院有联系的校园高中,关闭了.

Big Ten, Big Problem. 由于财政问题,竞技宝app下载安装足球开始了18年的中断. With the emergence of television, spectators prefer to watch the Big Ten games instead of traveling to the local stadium.

East Hall, now Rohlman, opens. It will come to be known affectionately by its male occupants as "Beast Hall" due to "uncontrollable showers," bare floors, thin walls and malfunctioning air conditioning, until it undergoes a total renovation in 2001.

Mississippi mud. As the river floods, classes are cancelled for two-and-a-half days so students can help sandbag. 达文波特市市长赞扬学校挽救了达文波特自来水厂.

Snug as a bug... 海耶斯宿舍是为神学院的学生而建的,尽管还缺10张床. The faculty apartments are turned into triple rooms to accommodate all the residents.

Ambrose officially becomes co-educational, 男性和女性第一次一起上课. 然而,直到1969年南厅(科斯格罗夫饰)开放,女人们才不得不上下班. The catch? The building opens in sections due to a steel workers strike that lasts through the summer.

随着战争抗议活动在入侵柬埔寨后升温, classes are suspended for the remainder of the academic year to allow students to go home and help protest. President Menke even leads a protest down Locust Street.

The board of directors welcomes its first female member with the election of Margaret Tiedemann.

Close only counts in horseshoes. Details are finalized for Newman College, the proposed name of the merger of Ambrose and Marycrest. 课程目录部分打印,校际巴士, the Bee Hound, is already transporting students when the deal is nixed. Bottoms up! 饮酒年龄降低后,Beehive区会开设校园酒吧. 最后一堂课提供马提尼酒和曼哈顿酒,每杯55美分.

Ambrose enters the graduate education arena with the launch of the master of business administration degree program. The program becomes fully accredited in 1979.

Ambrose's own Father Edward Catich, a world-renowned calligrapher and artist, 在他的工作室死于心脏病,享年73岁. 他把他的大部分收藏品留给了约翰·施密特, professor of art at Ambrose, 谁又把这些作品捐赠给大学,以开办Catich画廊.

The Fighting Bees have a new "hive" to call home with the construction of Lee Lohman Arena. The $3-million project seats 2,200 fans.

1984-Present: The University Era

电脑首次进入校园,12台Apple 2e机器被安装在一个“实验室”里.制作了一个25分钟的视频来解释如何使用电脑, which have only word-processing capabilities.

On the rocks...or not. The legal drinking age is raised to 21 years of age, much to the chagrin of underclassmen.

Drumroll, please! Ambrose officially becomes a university. 爱德华·罗加尔斯基被任命为该校第12任校长. Hear ye, hear ye! Oprah Winfrey and U.S. Senator Bob Dole visit campus as speakers. Dole comes in March to discuss his senatorial experience, while Winfrey addresses attendees of the Quad Cities Women's Day Conference at the Galvin Fine Arts Center in April.

The hip bone's connected to the leg bone. Biology at Ambrose is taken to a new level as the cadaver lab opens with 18 bodies for anatomy students to examine.

竞技宝app下载安装通过向所有学生提供信息,跳上了信息高速公路, faculty and staff with e-mail accounts. 这所大学要到明年10月才会开发自己的网站.

旧图书馆从麦克马伦大厅搬到了新建的图书馆大楼, with 350 students, 教职员工排着队在校园里传递部分藏品. 通过的114本书代表了竞技宝app下载安装存在的每一年. Housing, we have a problem. "Residence Row," as it will be dubbed in 2005, begins with the construction of Tiedemann Hall. Hagen Hall follows in 2000, 柏克德(Bechtel)和富兰克林(Franklin)分别于2004年和2005年成立, respectively.

Somebody call the doctor! 工商管理博士课程开始上课, the first doctoral program offered at SAU. The Master of Physical Therapy program will be converted to a doctoral program in 2002.

The completion of the Rogalski Center upgrades life on campus with amenities that include a food court, 无线功能和宽敞的设施玩游戏, study or even have student dances!

Franklin Hall opens to complete "residence row."

Fondest farewells! 总统埃德·罗加尔斯基(Ed Rogalski)在担任总统20年后退休. He makes the record book as the longest serving president at a private university in the state of Iowa. Warmest welcome! Sister Joan Lescinski becomes the 13th president.

Ambrose successfully secures unconditional reaccreditation by the Higher Learning Commission for 10 years – the maximum term granted. A new combined use academic and residential building, 拥有11间教室和可容纳96名学生的套房式生活空间, 正好赶上竞技宝app下载安装迎来有史以来最大规模的招生. It was dedicated in August 2013 as McCarthy Hall.

The $11.5 million Center for Health Sciences Education at Genesis opens with generous support from its Health Services Foundation. 这栋大楼是我们不断发展的健康服务项目的全新基地.

北厅建在伦巴第街和哈里森街的东北角. It has 204 beds. 

这是大学历史上最大的一次资金竞选, 筹集了近1800万美元来建造一个最先进的, 80,000-square-foot Wellness and Recreation Center.

A prayer space in Ambrose Hall was dedicated to honor the sudden passing of Fr. Joseph DeFrancisco, Professor of Theology.

On August 10, a derecho struck the Quad Cities and wiped out power on campus for more than 24 hours. Also that fall, McMullen Hall 重新开业,增加了15,600平方英尺的面积,花费了8美元.6 million fundraising campaign. 学术大厅容纳了商学院的教师和项目.

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